Celotex Asbestos Settlement Trust is organized to process, liquidate, and pay all valid asbestos personal injury claims. The Trust was founded February 1, 1998 as a result of the bankruptcy of Celotex Corporation and Carey Canada Incorporated. The goal of the Trust is to process and pay claims as promptly and efficiently as possible.
The Trust is designed to provide compensation for those who have an injury as a result of exposure to asbestos mined or manufactured by Celotex, Carey Canada or their predecessor companies. The Trust also protects those who are not presently injured but may develop an asbestos-related disease in the future due to exposure.
Experienced claim reviewers evaluate each claim submitted to the Trust for approval, based upon the Claims Resolution Procedures (CRP) approved by the bankruptcy court. These procedures provide the requirements for filing a claim.
For a comprehensive overview of the Trust’s history and life of a claim, click here to visit our Tutorial page.