
After your claim has been reviewed and approved for payment, an offer is sent in the form of a release. When you accept the offer, the release must be signed and returned to the Trust by either:

  • Electronic Signature Process (Esign)
  • Uploading the signed Release via Trust Online
  • Mailing the signed Release to the Trust for processing

When the Trust receives the release back it is reviewed for deficiencies. A Payment is typically sent within 1-2 months.

Your payment will depend primarily on the claim option you choose:

The Discounted Cash Payment (DCP) option is a single, cash payment and is paid according to the Scheduled Value of each Disease Level outlined on page two of the Instructions for Filing a Claim.

The Individualized Review Claim (IRC) option is paid the current payment percentage of the gross settlement value of a scheduled Disease Level as outlined on page three of the Instructions for Filing a Claim.